02 8350 1842
110 Tryon Road, East Lindfield NSW 2070
East Lindfield Community Preschool

About Us

About Us

At East Lindfield Community Preschool, we are dedicated and motivated to create a warm and welcoming space for the children to grow. Our Preschool team has a strong commitment to the education and growth of all the children in our care. We value the connections and relationships that we share with the children and their families. We strive for all our children to feel valued, to show respect, to share and have a sense of community and belonging.

We have six classes at the Preschool, offering 2 or 3 day enrolments.  Each classroom has a qualified Early Childhood teacher and an additional two experienced qualified educators. 

Statement of Commitment To Child Safety

East Lindfield Community Preschool is deeply committed to creating a safe, inclusive, and nurturing environment. This commitment is underpinned by our dedication to inclusivity and empowerment of all children in our care. 

Inclusivity lies at the heart of ELCP’s approach to child safety. The preschool welcomes children and families from diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance for all. Additionally, ELCP prioritises the inclusion and safety of children with additional needs, ensuring they receive the support and accommodations necessary to thrive in our childcare environment.

Empowering children to have a voice and speak up when they feel unsafe is paramount at ELCP ELCP maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of abuse or harm to children. All allegations and safety concerns are treated with the utmost seriousness and are consistently handled in accordance with guidelines set by the Office of the Children’s Guardian. This ensures a transparent and robust approach to safeguarding children's welfare.

ELCP Philosophy

The ELCP philosophy was created by our team  underpining the core values that we share and value.

We endeavour to provide a safe, caring and stimulating learning environment for all the children and families at our preschool.

We work in a partnership with families to ensure we are meeting the individual needs of each child. We value the feedback of all families and respect each families different social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

Preschool Program

The children at East Lindfield Community Preschool are exposed to a variety of experiences which are thoughtfully planned for by the educators. 

These experiences are planned to stimulate the children’s desire for learning, to engage them in meaningful social experiences where they learn about relationships with their peers and to enhance and maximise each child’s learning potential.

Each class has a routine/timetable to give the children a sense of stability, which they follow while allowing the children the freedom to play. Below is an example of a day at Preschool.

Play-based Education

Young children’s play allows them to explore, identify, negotiate, take risks and create meaning. The intellectual and cognitive benefits of playing have been well documented. Children who engage in quality play experiences are more likely to have well-developed memory skills, language development, and are able to regulate their behavior, leading to enhanced school adjustment and academic learning.

 Curriculum decision making contributes to each child’s learning and development outcomes in relation to their identity, connection with community, well-being, confidence as learners and effectiveness as communicators. In play, children usually have increased feelings of success and optimism as they act as their own agents and make their own choices.

“Play provides children with opportunities to be supported to learn to make play safe, fair, just and equitable for all participants”

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